Members of the Global Fund Board visited Kigali Genocide Memorial paid tribute to the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi and learn more about the history of the Genocide through visiting memorial’s exhibitions.
Their visit started by laying a wreath on the burial place where more than 250,000 victims have been laid to rest. They also observed a minute of silence to pay tribute to the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi.
During their guided visit, they toured the memorial’s exhibits that tell the history of the Genocide as well as stories of survivors who share their horrible experience during the Genocide and how they survived.
Dieudonne Nagiriwubuntu, the memorial’s guide who took this group on tour also explained the process Rwanda has been taking towards promoting reconciliation and peace.
After the visit, the group shared their heartfelt messages through signing in the memorial’s guest book.
“Humanity was engaged in genocidal activities many times throughout history. We must commit to ending human suffering, and it starts with each of us in our daily interaction with people around us,”
Norbert Hauser, Chair of the Board wrote.
“To the resilience of the Rwandan people whose resurgence from this horror inspires the world,”
Mouhamadou Diagne, Global Fund Inspector General wrote.
“11 years after the Rwandan Genocide, the UN adopted The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) to prevent this from happening again elsewhere,”
said Carsten Staur, Denmark’s Ambassador to the UN in Geneva.
“We need to remember and learn. This should never happen again. Victims are resting in eternal peace,”
Hristijau Sauwiloswi, Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund Board wrote.
“Thank you for taking the remembrance so seriously. World class museum, it was very impactful,”
Sandra Irbe, Senior Advisor to the Chair of the Board at The Global Fund wrote.